Sunday, February 8, 2009

I love reading....I hate writing

Why I am here...I myself can not apprehend it....still I am here..may be cuz I just read a blog of my friend and I was intrigued by the idea of starting my own blog....but for who...who will read my blog?? interesting question...I might end up reading my own entries again and again and again....may be I should write some interesting stories, probably jokes in it for the people to read or shall I stick to my ownself..well..time will decide...
Here is a brief intoduction for all who don't know much about me...I know there are plenty of them and as if I know about myself (more than I am willing to know)..
Name is "Arshad", profession is "Media Planning" currently located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia....thats all..nothing fancy to tell awards, no article published, and they are not in sight also... I am short of words..thats why I hate writing...(Boo on them who thinks this is anything to do with limited Vocabulary)...
My next post will be more about my profession than my passion...did I mention word Passion??
as long as I know I dont have any passion in my life....pretty boring....I like to watch movies, play sport, watch sport, can read fiction or no fiction but without any passion...who has the time for passion in today's time...
Anyways...lets meet next time with something to discuss about...till then

Do svidaniya


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